At some point, you will need to get a new air conditioner installed on your property. Whether you just purchased it and noticed that the air conditioner is wearing out and not as strong as it was in the past or you have relied on the same unit for a long time, there will come a situation where it just gives out and it is time to make the switch. That is where the fun will come in.
Most people choose to hire a professional to help out with all of this work. These technicians will help pick the type of unit and even the size to make sure that your property keeps nice and cool as efficiently as possible. But the price of hiring a professional and the issues finding someone who can come to certain locations can make it tough to hire a technician sometimes.
This may lead you to wonder whether you can install an air conditioner on your own. And the answer is yes. It is possible to find the right air conditioner, look for all of the attachments and other items, and then bring them home to do the work and install an air conditioner. But this is a lot of work. You have to do all the manual labor and the paperwork (such as getting the permits) and if you don’t know what you are doing in the process, it can be time consuming and it can go wrong.
So, how do you make a decision on whether to hire a professional to come do your air conditioner install or if you should just do it on your own. Knowing some of the benefits of hiring someone as well as some of the drawbacks can make a difference here too. Let’s take a look at each one and determine whether it is a good idea to hire a professional HVAC technician or if you should do the work on your own to save some money.
The Benefits of Hiring Someone to install Your Air Conditioner
While you may be able to save some money by doing the installation of an air conditioner on your own, it can be time consuming and you are more likely to make some mistakes and ruin something compared to having a professional get the work done for you. This is why most homeowners are going to take the time to find a technician in their area to get it installed for them. Some of the benefits of hiring a professional technician to step in and handle your AC installation includes:
# No manual labor for the homeowner: You get to trust a professional to step in and do all the work for you. There can be a decent amount of work when you install an air conditioner for the first time. You need to prepare the spot, pour concrete, lift all of the heavy stuff, crawl under the home and more. Most homeowners do not want to do this. Hiring a professional can get it done faster and ensures that it is done right without the homeowner having to worry about the work.
# No legwork necessary: There are a lot of physical aspects that come with installing a new AC unit, many homeowners will hire a professional so they don’t have to worry about some of the paperwork. Many local governments are going to ask that you have a permit for your home improvement project, including updating and making changes to your HVAC system. Having someone else step in and do the work can make a difference and saves some hassle.
# Professional upkeep: With most of the new installs, you will notice that your technician will provide a maintenance plan for the system. This company is already familiar with it and will come back to check on the different components to ensure that it is working well. Often it will have a warranty as well, allowing you to enjoy an air conditioner that will work for a long time.
Reasons Not to Hire a Technician to Install Your Air Conditioner
There may also be some situations where it makes more sense to not hire a technician to come out to your home and do the install on a new air conditioner. You may find that it gives some peace of mind, but it can be expensive and if you can’t find a reputable company to work with you, then some of those benefits above will not apply to you. Some of the reasons you may not hire an HVAC technician and may choose to install your own air conditioner include:
# Higher cost: You have to pay the technician to come to your property and do the install, along with the costs of all the tools and equipment you need. This can make it more expensive than doing it on your own. If you are on a fixed budget and worried about what you can afford, it may be more affordable to do the work on your own.
# Hard to find a reputable company: In some areas, it is hard to find a professional to come and do the install. If you live in a really rural area that is hours from a city, you may not be able to find someone who is willing to come out to you. You will have to do the install on your own instead.
Installing a new air conditioner can take some time and if you do it the wrong way, it can lead to some damage and other problems around your home. Rather than worrying about that happening, it is often best to hire the professionals to come in and do some of the work for you, giving you peace of mind knowing that this has been done the right way from the start. When you are looking for some professionals to handle the air conditioning in your home or office, contact our team at AC Genius air conditioning repair & installation. We have the experience and the tools to get it done right the first time. Contact a member of our team today to get started.
We hope you found this blog Can I Install A New Air Conditioner On My Own?, useful. Check out Is It better To Hire Someone To Install An AC? for more helpful info about managing heat.
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