Prepare Your Garage for Winter

Check Out The Best Tips To Prepare Your Garage for Winter

A garage is many different things to many different people. In most cases, garages provide shelter for your vehicles, tools, and many other items you would not keep in your home. When winter rolls around, there are many things you can do to keep your garage as efficient and organized as possible. Continue reading to learn how to clean out your garage for the winter. 

Get Rid of Pests

While garages provide many benefits to homeowners, they are also the most likely place for nuisance wildlife to invade. Rats, mice, bats, birds, snakes, and many other nuisance animals regularly make their way into garages. More often than not, these animals are in search of a warm place to stay when the nights get cold, a safe place to give birth to their young, or an easy source of food. While these are natural instincts for these critters, they can be very destructive for you. It is important to understand just how bad it is to have these animals in your garage. 

The two worst problems that come with nuisance wildlife are the damage they cause and the disease they spread. Virtually every nuisance animal carries a plethora of dangerous, potentially deadly, diseases that can seriously harm humans and their pets. In addition to this, the damage caused by nuisance wildlife can be so serious as to cost a fortune to repair! Between chewed up insulation, wires that have been gnawed on, chewed up lumber and drywall, these critters can wreak havoc on a garage. 

In order to rid yourself of these pests, it is highly recommended to hire a professional wildlife removal company, as these companies have spent years helping homeowners remove and prevent pest infestations. DIY pest removal generally ends up causing a worse infestation, more damage, and the potential for you and your family to be exposed to the harmful diseases carried by nuisance wildlife. In addition to wildlife removal, pest control companies offer cleanup and sanitation, animal damage repairs, wildlife exclusion services, and many more. For wildlife removal in your garage, reach out to professionals at

Take It All Out

One of the best ways to clean out your garage for winter is to take out every item from your garage. Once this is done, you have nothing but your bare garage, which is the best case scenario for the rest of the cleanup process. While all of your items are out in plain sight, this is an excellent time to take stock of what you have, what you no longer need, and what you might need to buy. Once you have sorted through everything, you can move on to the next step of the clean out process.

Inspect Your Garage

While your garage is completely empty, you should definitely begin examining every square inch. Look for any holes, gaps, or cracks that expose the interior of your garage to the outside. In addition, this is an excellent time to be on the lookout for any areas which might allow pests and insects into your garage. If you find any problems in your garage, you should go about repairing them before you begin the actual cleaning process. In most cases, an all-weather sealant will more than likely be able to fix most of the problem areas you might find. If the job requires professional work, it would be wise to get that performed as soon as possible before moving onto the cleaning step. 

Cleaning Time

Cleaning your garage may seem like a very daunting task, but it can actually be as simple as you want to make it. In many cases, homeowners are perfectly content to dust their shelving, run a shop vacuum wherever there appears to be debris, and sweep up the floor. This is a great way to clean up your garage without doing so for hours upon hours. If, however, you believe you need to spend more time, you can go so far as to clean up the stains on your garage floor and do other such tasks. Always remember, the more clean your garage is, the less attracted pest animals will be to it!

Sort Your Items & Put Them Away

Once you have finished cleaning up, it would be wise to sort all of the stuff you took out of your garage before you replace it. This is a great way to save time when you are looking for something specifically next time. Use the time to sort tools, cleaners, solvents, paints, and other products, so that you will have an easier time in the future. Once you have sorted to your heart’s content, you can begin putting everything where you want it to go. Once you have finished this step, you will have a garage that has been perfectly prepared for the winter and will keep pest animals out!

We hope you found this blog post on How to Clean Out Your Garage for Winter, to be useful. Be sure to check out our post on Why Your Garage Needs a Coolant System for more great tips!

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