Arizona’s warm climate is not only appealing to its residents but also to a ton of different pests, including the notorious bed bug. These resilient insects can turn a peaceful night’s sleep into a nightmare, infesting homes and causing significant distress.

So how do you know if you’re facing this terrifying scenario?

Read on to learn the signs of a bed bug infestation in Arizona.

plague infection in your room

1. Bite Marks

One of the biggest bed bug infestation warning signs is bite marks.

These tiny, red, itchy welts are often the first indication that you may have unwelcome visitors in your bed. Unlike mosquito bites, which tend to be sporadic and isolated, bed bug bites often appear in clusters or a straight line.

This distinctive pattern is a result of bed bugs feeding multiple times during a single night, moving in a linear path as they do so.

2. Musty Odors

Another sign of Arizona bed bug issues is a weird smell. This unpleasant smell is often described as sweet and slightly foul, reminiscent of a damp, moldy towel left too long in a closed space. 

The musty odor associated with bed bugs is produced by pheromones released by these pests. Bed bugs use these chemical signals to communicate with one another, especially during feeding and mating.

If you suspect you have bed bugs, call in bed bug removal services near Arizona ASAP.

3. Live Bed Bugs

Spotting live bed bugs is at the very top of the list when it comes to bed bug signs in Arizona. These pests are small, reddish-brown insects about the size of an apple seed, so you’ll be able to see them if you know where to look.

Observing live bed bugs can confirm an infestation and help you take swift action to eliminate them.

Bed bugs are nocturnal and prefer to remain hidden during the day, making their detection challenging. They are most active at night when they come out to feed on the blood of sleeping humans.

If you suspect an infestation, the best time to inspect for live bed bugs is during the night or early morning hours. Use a flashlight to check common hiding spots such as mattress seams, bed frames, headboards, and crevices in furniture.

4. Eggs and Eggshells

These tiny, white, oval-shaped eggs are about 1mm in size and can be difficult to spot without careful inspection. Eggs are often found in clusters, as bed bugs prefer to lay them in groups.

The presence of eggshells, which are left behind after the nymphs hatch, is another sign of an infestation. These eggshells are even more fragile and can easily be mistaken for dust or lint. They appear translucent and can accumulate in the same areas where eggs are laid. 

Bed Bug Infestation in Arizona: Fight Back Today

Now that you know the signs of a bed bug infestation in Arizona, you can take quick action if you do notice any issues.

Do you need more home maintenance tips and tricks? Make sure you check out a few of our other helpful articles ASAP.

We hope you found this blog post on 4 Telltale Signs Of A Bed Bug Infestation In Arizona Homes, useful. Be sure to check out our post on Protecting Belongings And Homes From Unwanted Guests for more great tips!

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