While learning to drive is exciting, it’s also challenging. As a new driver, you’re likely to make blunders that can result in accidents. Understanding the errors novice drivers are highly likely to commit can enable you to take proactive measures to avoid or prevent them, reducing the likelihood of crashes. Outlined below are four common mistakes new drivers make.

man drinking beer while driving the car

1.Careless backing up

Backing up a vehicle can be challenging for every new driver. Statistics suggest that one in four car accidents can be associated with poor backing techniques and that backing accidents lead to 500 deaths and 15,000 injuries a year.

As a new driver, you may lack confidence when reversing your car, particularly in a cramped parking lot or busy driveways. You may make mistakes that lead to a car accident when backing up. The blunders you’re likely to make when reversing include:

  • Ignoring blind spots: Failure to check blind spots before backing up can result in collisions or accidents
  • Failing to use mirrors effectively: Mirrors provide vital information regarding your surroundings. Failure to use them effectively can cause accidents
  • Not gauging the distance between your car and obstacles correctly: This can make you hit objects or cause damage
  • Failure to use signals to alert other drivers that you’re reversing: It may cause you to hit the vehicle behind you as the driver had no idea you were backing up

Avoiding these mistakes can help ensure safe backing.

2.Failure to check blind spots

New drivers will likely ignore blind spots because they are inexperienced in looking over their shoulders to ensure a clear path. Blind spots endanger you and other road users by making you blind to:

  • Cyclists
  • Pedestrians
  • Cars
  • Road hazards hiding in them

Ignoring your blind spots can cause you to make unsafe lane changes or bad driving choices that lead to a collision. To successfully handle and overcome blind spots, consider:

  • Adjusting the side mirrors
  • Installing blind spot mirrors
  • Observing your car’s surroundings before changing lanes
  • Switching on the signal lights to alert other drivers before changing directions or lanes
  • Keeping a safe distance from other cars

    3. Distracted driving

Distracted driving is dangerous, with statistics suggesting that it claimed 3,308 lives in 2022. Distractions take your attention from driving, making you lose control over your car or miss crucial events, cues, and objects. This increases the possibility of a crash. Some of the activities that can divert your attention from driving include:

  • Texting or talking over the phone
  • Eating, smoking, or drinking while driving
  • Focusing on devices like the GPS, thermostat, or stereo as you drive
  • Adjusting your seat position or mirrors while driving

    4.Being overconfident

Passing the driving test and acquiring a license is exciting and can make a new driver feel like they’re the best. Overestimating your abilities can put you and other road users in danger by increasing the possibility of accidents. Note that you have a lot to learn on being on the road, including:

  • Vehicle control
  • Driving in various weather conditions, environments, and traffic
  • Identifying blind spots
  • Understanding road signs
  • Dealing with road emergencies
  • Building defensive driving techniques and more

Building safe driving skills takes time, so avoid being overconfident to ascertain safety.


While learning to drive is fun, your inexperience can cause you to make some risky blunders. Careless reversing, not checking blind spots, being overconfident, and distracted driving are the common mistakes new drivers make. Finding ways to proactively avoid these mistakes can boost road safety.

We hope you found this blog post on 4 Common Mistakes New Drivers Make, useful. Be sure to check out our post on Things Truck Drivers Need in their Routes for more great tips!

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